
A 1973 survey of all Duplicates Exchange Union (formerly Periodicals Exchange Union) members (survey size: 399 libraries; responding: 229 or 58%) showed that, of 228 respondents, 205 (89.5%) were college libraries; 15 (6.6%) were special libraries including hospital, art museum, and company libraries; and 8 (3.5%) were public libraries.      (Source)

     Ibid. . . . showed that most of the Duplicates Exchange Union libraries were small. For example, the “approximate number of [periodical] subscriptions” per library broke down as follows:

          1-300 subscriptions             42    (18.3%)     libraries

          301-600 subscriptions         78    (34.1%)     libraries

          601-1,000 subscriptions      52    (22.7%)     libraries

          over 1,000 subscriptions      45    (19.6%)     libraries

          no response                         12    ( 5.3%)     libraries       (Source)

     Ibid. . . . showed that respondents’ estimates of the percentage of exchange lists received that proved useful were as follows (only 10 categories of usefulness were reported, e.g., 10%, 20%, etc., nothing in between):

         30% or less of the lists received were useful to         65 (28.4%) of the respondents;

         40-50% of the lists received were useful to              42 (18.3%) of the respondents;

        60-80% of the lists received were useful to               66 (28.8%) of the respondents;

        and 90% or more of the lists received were useful to 51 (22.2%) of the respondents      

        (5 or 2.3% of the respondents did not reply to this particular question).    (Source)

    Ibid. . . . showed that the average number of items requested from a list was as follows: 22.7% of the libraries requested 4 or fewer items; 48.5% requested 8 or fewer items; and 70.8% requested 12 or fewer items. Further, 61.6% of the libraries estimated they received less than 30% of the items requested, while 87.4% estimated they received less than 50% of the items requested.     (Source)

     Ibid. . . . showed that, although 24 (10.5%) libraries reported that use of the Duplicates Exchange Union resulted in a financial loss, most libraries considered it useful. Specifically, the libraries reported as follows:

          very useful              98    (42.8%)     libraries

          useful                      93    (40.6%)     libraries

          of some use            35    (15.3%)     libraries

          useless                    3     ( 1.3%)     libraries      (Source)

     Ibid. . .  showed that generally libranes supported the idea of continuing to include books and documents in the exchange program. Of 221 respondents, 160 (69.9%) favored the idea, while 61(26.6%) did not.        (Source)

A 1981 survey of U.S. depository libraries, both academic and public (sample size: 221; responding: 171 or 77%) concerning their use of online data bases (DIALOG, ORBIT, and BRS), particularly with regard to government documents, showed that the top 3 reasons given by respondents for not ordering government documents microfiche as the result of an online search were: library does not have computer terminals  (academic depositories, 33%; public depositories, 59%), didn’t know that microfiche government documents could be ordered online (academic depositories, 24%; public depositories, 25%), and prefer hard copy to microfiche copy (academic depositories, 27%; public depositories, 20%).      (Source)

     Ibid. . . . showed that none of the public depositories had ever ordered microfiche online as the result of a government document search, while only 3% of the academic libraries had ever done so.         (Source)

Dr. David Kohl

 "Libraries in the digital age are experiencing the most profound transformation since ancient Mesopotamian scribes first began gathering and organizing cuneiform tablets."

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