A 1980 survey of bibliographic instruction librarians with an M.L.S. degree and at least 2 years of bibliographic instruction in 18 selected college and university libraries in Pennsylvania (sample size: 133; responding: 120 or 90%) showed thatthe number of years of bibliographic instruction experience was as follows:
2-5 years 29 (25%) librarians
6-8 years 27 (22%) librarians
9-11 years 27 (22%) librarians
12 or more years 37 (31%) librarians (Source)
Ibid…. showed that28 (23%) reported college-level teaching experience and 56 (47%) reported elementary- or secondary-level teaching experience before their involvement in bibliographic instruction. (Source)
Ibid…. showed thatof 120 respondents the 2 most frequent methods of actually gaining training for bibliographic instruction reported by respondents were self-study (63 or 56%) and credit courses (34 or 30%). However, respondents’ 4 most frequently recommended ways of preparing for bibliographic instruction were:
previous teaching experience 32 (28%) respondents
workshops 28 (25%) respondents
in-service programs 22 (19%) respondents