A 1980 survey of academic librarians in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi concerning faculty status (sample size: 416; responding: 271; usable: 267 or 64.2%) showed that, during the 1979-80 academic year, the research, publication, and grant proposal activity was as follows (for the entire group of 267; multiple responses allowed):
a book published 3.4% respondents
a book review published 7.5% respondents
a literature review or bibliography published 4.1% respondents
a research article published 15.3% respondents
a presentation at a professional meeting 12.0% respondents
a research proposal developed 19.5% respondents
a research proposal funded 8.3% respondents (Source)
Ibid…. showed that12.0% of the respondents received release time for proposal development, while 14.2% received release time for research and publication. (Source)