Articles and Columns

(Continued from Recent Publications Page)

David F. Kohl. "IFLA's Other Activity," Library Hi Tech News. 17:3 (2000) 6-8.

David F. Kohl with Claudine Dervos. "Getting Acquinted: HEAL-Link, the Greek National Library Consortium," in Library Consortium Management: An     International Journal 1:3 (1999) online.

David F. Kohl. "Starting a Library Based University Press," in Reference Services Review  27:1 (1999) p.4-12

David F. Kohl. "Resource Sharing in a Changing Ohio Environment," in Library Trends  45:3 (Winter, 1997) p. 435-447

David. F. Kohl.  "Resource Sharing in a Changing Ohio Environment" in Library Trends 45:3 (Winter, 1997) 435-447.

David F. Kohl.  "Farewell To All That...Transforming Collection Development to Fit the Virtual Library Context:  The OhioLINK Experience" in Restructuring Academic Libraries: Organizational Development in the Wake of Technological Change.  Charles A. Schwartz, editor.  (ACRL Publications in Librarianship, no. 49) Chicago, IL: American Library Association/Association of College & Research Libraries, 1997.

David F. Kohl.  "As Time Goes By...: Revisiting Fundamentals," in Library Trends 44:2 (Fall, 1995) 1-7.

David F. Kohl.  "Revealing UnCover," Online 19:3 (May/June, 1995) 52-60.

David F. Kohl.  "OhioLINK:  A Vision for the 21st Century," Library Hi Tech 12:4 (Consecutive Issue 48, 1994) 29-34.

David F. Kohl.  "OhioLINK:  A Statewide System Raises New Issues and Opportunities for Cooperation," Reference Services Review 22:2 (Summer, 1994) 27-29.

David F. Kohl.  "Celebrating Libraries:  A Link With Humanity, Past and Present," ARL 173 (March, 1994) 4 (reprinted from the Cincinnati Post).

David F. Kohl.  "OhioLINK:  Plugging Into Progress," Library Journal 118:16 (1993) 42-46.

David F. Kohl. "Collection Development:  An Overview of the Research," Collection Management 10:3/4 (1988) 1-13.

David F. Kohl and Lizabeth A. Wilson. "Effectiveness of Course-Integrated Bibliographic Instruction in Improving Coursework," RQ 26:2 (Winter, 1986) 206-211.

David F. Kohl. "A Populist Approach to Automation:  Developing Local Systems in a Mainframe Context." in Energies for Transition:  Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Danuta A. Nitecki, editor.  Chicago: American Library Association, 1986.

David F. Kohl and Charles H. Davis. "Ratings of Journals by ARL Library Directors and Deans of Library and Information Science Schools," College and Research Libraries 46:1 (January, 1985) 40-47.

David F. Kohl. Guest Editor for special issue of Research Strategies "Large Scale Bibliographic Instruction:  The Illinois Experience." author of "Introduction" and "Library Administrator's View," Research Strategies 2:1 (Winter, 1984) 4-5, 6-11.

David F. Kohl. Guest Columnist. "Current Issues in Reference and Adult Services," RQ 23:2 (Winter, 1983) 155-157.

David F. Kohl. "Circulation Professionals:  Management Information Needs and Attitudes," RQ 23:1 (Fall, 1983) 81-86.

David F. Kohl. "High Efficiency Inventorying through Predictive Data," Journal of Academic Librarianship 8:2 (May, 1982) 82-84.,

David F. Kohl. "LC News for Reference Librarians," occasional column in RQ.  (Spring, 1979 through Summer, 1982).

David F. Kohl. "Examining the LC Subject Catalog," Library Resources and Technical Services 23:1 (Winter, 1979) 69-74.

David F. Kohl. "Public Service and the Disappearing Card Catalog," RQ. 17:4 (Summer, 1978) 308-311.

David F. Kohl, editor. "Public Service and the On-line Catalog," ALA tape publication.  (ALA Annual Conference, Detroit, 1977) Chicago:  American Library Association, 1977.


David F. Kohl. editor. 12 Years Till 2000:  Preparing for Reference in the 21st Century.  Chicago:  American Library Association/RASD, 1990.

Patricia McCandless, et. al. The Invisible User:  User Needs Assessment for Library Public Services. Washington, D.C.:  Office of Management Studies/Association of Research Libraries, 1985.

Susan C. Biebel, et. al. ALA Filing Rules. Chicago:  American Library Association, 1980.

David F. Kohl. editor. Commercial COM Catalogs:  How to Choose, When to Buy, Chicago:  American Library Association, 1978.


David F. Kohl. Handbooks for Library Management. 6 vols. Santa Barbara, California:  ABC Clio, 1984-86.
Library Education and Professional Issues. v.6 (1986).
Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Patron Use, and Collection Maintenance. v.5 (1985).
Cataloging and Catalogs. v.4 (1985).
Reference Services and Library Instruction. v.3 (1985).
Acquisitions, Collection Development, and Collection Use. v.2 (1985).
Administration, Personnel, Buildings and Equipment. v.1 (1984).

Column Editor

Reference Books Reviews Editor, RQ, Summer, 1988 - 2000.

Editorial Boards

Journal of Academic Librarianship, Editor in Chief, 2003 -

Reference Services Review Editorial Board, 1991 - .

RQ Editorial Board, 1988 - 2001.

Library Consortium Management:  An International Journal  Editorial Board, 1998 - 2001.

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