Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota
Degree:  Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, June, 1965
Department:  History

University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Degree:  Master of Theology, June, 1967; Doctor of Ministry, August 1969, Divinity School
Dissertation Title:  Athens and Jerusalem:  A Contemporary Model for Campus Ministry
Honors:  Rockefeller Fellowship, 1965-66
Disciples House Scholar, 1965-69

University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Degree:  Master of Arts, June, 1973, Graduate Library School

Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Course work in statistics and business administration
Sociology 321, Quantitative Sociology I
Sociology 421, Quantitative Sociology II
Business Administration 534, Survey of Accounting
Business Administration 533, Administrative Control
Sociology 520, Survey Research
Foreign Languages:

German (fluent)
Russian (5 quarters college, rusty)
French (limited reading knowledge only)

Dr. David Kohl

 "Libraries in the digital age are experiencing the most profound transformation since ancient Mesopotamian scribes first began gathering and organizing cuneiform tablets."

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