Recent Publications
David F. Kohl. "Not Change to...Change! The Last 40 Years in (Academic) Librarianship and What it Tells Us." International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology. (December, 2015) pp. 3-7.
David F. Kohl. "Learning to See." DRTC-IATLIS Conference Proceedings, 2013 (in press).
David F. Kohl. "Collection Development in the ARL Library." in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 3rd ed. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2010
David F. Kohl, “La negociation des resources electroniques au XXIe siècle: etat de la question et tendances en cours,” Chapter 17 in Les Collections Electroniques, Une Nouvelle Politique Documentaire. Ed. Pierre Carbone. Electre: Paris (France), 2009.
David F. Kohl, ""Toward a New Understanding of the Library Mission: Vision and Implementation," inGlobalizing Academic Libraries: Vision 2020, Conference Proceedings: University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, 2009. 1-8 .
David F. Kohl. "Knowledge Life Cycles: renewal and obsolescence." in El Profesional de la Informacion18/4 (Julio-Agosto, 2009), 374-381.
David F. Kohl. "La Negociation des Ressources Electroniques au XXIc Siecle: Tendances," in Les Collectiones Electroniques, une Nouvelle Politique Documentaire, Paris, France: Editions du cercle de la librarie, 2009. 276-290.
David F. Kohl. "The Evolution of the Journal as a Vehicle for Scientific Communication: Wrestling with Proteus." In Information Digital: Nuevas Perspectivas en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Valencia, Spain: Grupo de Investigacion en Tecnologia e Informacion CALSI, 2007. 63-79.
David F. Kohl and Tom Sanville. “More Bang for the Buck: Increasing the Effectiveness of Library Expenditures.” Library Trends. 54:3 (Winter, 2006) 394-410.
David F. Kohl. “Ongoru ve Duzenekler: Ortaklik Olanaklari,” in Turk Kutuphaneciligi (translated) 3:17 (2003) 294-305.
David F. Kohl. “Paper and Digital Repositories in the United States,” in Liber Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries 13:3/4 (2003); also
David F. Kohl. “Consortial Licensing vs. Tradition: Breaking Up is Hard to Do” in Learned Publishing – The Journal of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers. 16:1 (2003) 47-53
David F. Kohl. "Collection Development in the ARL Library" in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, 2003.
David F. Kohl. “Transforming the Academic Library Organization for Service in a Budget Constrained, Digital World,” in Bibliothekische Forschung und Praxis , 26:2 (2002) 136-142.
David F. Kohl. “Learning from our Experiments: The Remarkable Implications of OhioLINK and HEAL-Link Electronic Use Data for Collection Development.” In [Conference Proceedings] Management in Academic Libraries, Greece: University of Macedonia, 2002. 27-34.
David F. Kohl. “Learning from our Experiments: The Remarkable Implications of OhioLINK and HEAL-Link Electronic Use Data for Collection Development.” In [Conference Proceedings] Management in Academic Libraries, Greece: University of Macedonia, 2002. 27-34.
David F. Kohl and Ken Frazier. "Mass Purchase vs Selection: A Point/Counterpoint Discussion, "Charleston Conference Proceedings, Charleston, SC, Nov. 2, 2001. 97-101.
David F. Kohl."Cheaper by the (Almost Half) Dozen: The Ohio State-Wide Remote Storage System," inLibrary Off-Site Shelving: Guide for High Density Facilities. Ed. Danuta A Niticki and Curtis L. Kendrick.Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001.
David F. Kohl. “To Select or Not Select: Taking Off the Blinders in Collection Development,” in 2000 Charleston Conference Proceedings: Is Bigger Better? Ed. Rosann Bazirjian and Vicky Speck. Charleston, SC: Against the Grain Press, 2000. 25-33.; also reprinted in Collection Management 26:2 2001.