Presentation Topics

The heart of administration is not the indulgent exercise of power nor the pursuit of privilege, but the opportunity to solve problems with others.

Getting Published

A major part everything we know about libraries and the services they provide to their communities is provided by librarians themselves through the professional literature. In addition, most academic librarians are required to publish professionally in order to meet promotion and tenure requirements. Nevertheless, library education by its very nature (the terminal degree being at Master's level) provides limited training and experience in the mysteries of professional publishing. This all day workshop addresses that deficit. Content:  Overview and Topic Selection, Research Design and Manuscript Preparation,  Journal Selection and Manuscript submission, and Understanding the Editor’s Perspective.

This workshop can be delivered either in person or via the web.

See Author Information

Building Collections

Publishers and Librarians have gotten themselves into a punishing and repeating cycle of inflationary subscription increases and journal cancellations which serves neither party. Partially through good fortune and partially through insightful planning, the OhioLINK libraries have managed to extricate themselves from this death spiral through a new model of collection development. Increasingly accepted in North America and Europe, the OhioLINK model provides a win-win collections solution for both librarians and publishers, particularly for journals collections. Content: model structure, examples of publisher deals, benefit specifics; length: 30-45 minutes; PowerPoint

See Author Information


The newest form of library coalitions, in the last five years consortia have become one of the most powerful and creative mechanisms for addressing common library problems. Particularly the emergence of ICOCL (the International Coalition of Library Consortia) has provided libraries with a means of regular communication, establishing common publisher standards for dealing with electronic data, and undertaking national (and even international) deals with publishers. Content: brief history, ICOLC structure, information web sites, initiatives; length 30-45 minutes; PowerPoint.

See Author Information

Corporate Partnerships

The University of Cincinnati Libraries has been a North American leader in establishing revenue generating corporate partnerships. Providing complete library and information services on a contract basis to major Cincinnati corporations such as General Electric and Equistar, the Libraries are generating revenues of over quarter of a million dollars annually. Content: brief history, contract examples, legal issues, services provided, marketing; length 30-45 minutes; PowerPoint.

See Author Information

University of Cincinnati Digital Press

Almost unique among major research libraries, the University of Cincinnati has established a library based university press. The UCDP differs from the usual university press in that it does not publish the research or creative works of the faculty, but rather the source documents on which such activity is based. The publication focus of the UCDP is European exploration in the Missouri river valley. All publications are in digital format, for the present a CD ROM format. Content: brief history, philosophy, production and marketing issues, legal issues and budgeting; length 30-45 minutes/full day workshop planned, PowerPoint.

See Author Information


One of the most successful of the new consortial groups, establishing new models of intra-consortial sharing of materials, loading of databases, collection development and national/international consortial development through the founding of ICOLC. Content: brief history, organization and structure, initiatives (including collection development, state wide circulation, electronic theses and dissertations, image files, and raw data distribution); 30-45 minutes, PowerPoint.

 See Author Information

Contact Information

David F. Kohl
Dean and University Librarian, Emeritus
University of Cincinnati

Tel: 001-513-624-0503
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Dr. David Kohl

 "Libraries in the digital age are experiencing the most profound transformation since ancient Mesopotamian scribes first began gathering and organizing cuneiform tablets."

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